Our Programs
OSSEDI Malawi has been implementing various development programmes since its inception.

Market Access and Value Chain
⦁ OSSEDI Malawi has implemented a two year project on Rehabilitation Natural Resources Management and Soil Conservation sustainable agro forestry livelihoods funded by Malawi Environmental Endorsement Trust (MEET).

Sustainable Livelihood and Food Security
⦁ OSSEDI Malawi implemented one year project in Mchinji district on Irish potato standard from 2013-2014 with support from RLEEP/IFAD.

Climate change and Environment
⦁ OSSEDI Malawi has implemented three years project in five districts in Malawi on conservation and natural resources Management such Ntcheu,Dowa, Kasungu,Mzimba,and Balaka with support from Limbe Leaf Tobacco company .

Health (MNCH, SRH, HIV/AIDS, Immunization & Vaccines)
⦁ OSSEDI Malawi has successfully implemented an Up Scaling of HIV and AIDS Responses in Lilongwe City and Rural districts.

Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
⦁ OSSEDI Malawi is implementing three years project from 2014-2017 on Promote WASH services in Dowa district with support from UNICEF

Basic Education For All
OSSEDI Malawi works in Adult Literacy programme where 30 graduates have been graduated from the school in Traditional Authority Tsabango.

Child protection, GBV, SRH & Youth Empowerment
⦁ With funding from the UNDP, OSSEDI is implementing the EVAWG project in the six districts of Nsanje, Dowa, Machinga, Nkhatabay, Ntchisi and Mzimba. THe overall objective of this project is to eradicate all forms of abuse women and girls face in the communities through the conduct of Mobile courts session

Economic Empowerment
OSSEDI Malawi conducted an educational budget analysis and monitoring funded by the coalition for quality basic education through Lilongwe district education Network 2006 and advocacy and policy analysis for DEMS, DCS, PTAS, and SMCS on readmission policy initiated by FAWEMA funded by CIDA, GESP.

Enhancing inclusive quality education in T/A Kabudula
⦁ With funding from Child Fund Korea, OSSEDI is implementing a five year project localised as TIMPATSE, the overall objective of this project is to make sure that all children have ensured quality education in T/A Kabudula
Our Projects
⦁ Currently, OSSEDI Malawi is implementing the following projects

Learners embracing technology
The Government of Malawi through the Ministry of Education rolled out a program called Building Education Foundation through Innovation Technology (BEFIT). This was set in line with the Government commitment to promote and improve the foundation literacy and numeracy skills for all learners in primary schools particularly in Standard 1-4 across the country. OSSEDI is the Implementation Support Partner of this program in Nkhatabay and NkhotaKota districts with financial support from Imagine World Wide, VSO and One billion. OSSEDI in partnership with District Implementation Team (DIT) conducted several trainings in preparation for the implementation and among the crucial trainings were community engagements as well as teachers training to ensure that the project is fully understood to the community as well as teachers.

Chang’anamuno hails OSSEDI for constructing school blocks
Minister of Mining Monica Chang’anamuno, in her capacity as Member of Parliament for Lilongwe North, has hailed the Organisation for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Initiative (OSSEDI) for building classroom blocks in her constituency and furnishing the classes with desks. Speaking during the school blocks handover ceremony at Kambadzo Primary School Ground in the area of Traditional Authority Kabudula in Lilongwe, Chang’anamuno appreciated the efforts the organisation has taken to compliment government’s vision of making sure every child is educated.

Community Integrated Sustainable Development Project (2021-2025)
OSSEDI currently is implementing improving access to quality education systems (TIMPATSE) Project in Lilongwe districts in Traditional Authority kabudula. (the project is aimed at improving learning environment through construction of school blocks, teacher’s houses, sanitary facilities and drilling of boreholes to improve access to potable water among community members, as well as provision of learning and teaching materials. Funded by Child fund Korea.

CG9 Groundnuts Seed Multiplication in Machinga
To avoid utilization of over recycled seeds, the project introduced the concept of seed multiplication. The activity is aimed at improving farmers’ access to improved seed. STRECOLI team in Machinga district motivated a group to be formed under the cooperative that specializes in the seed multiplication. This group is deliberately linked cooperative members as readily available markets for both cooperative members and seed multipliers

Spotlight Initiative/UNwomen (2020-2021)
OSSEDI implemented the Spotlight Initiative Project in Dowa district Traditional Authorities Mponela, Msakambewa, Mkukula and Dzoole). The project was aimed at Prevention and elimination of gender based violence through formation and implementation of community by-laws. Funded by Unwomen/OSSEDI/plan consortium

Integrate nutrition Value chains in three districts, Balaka, Mangochi, Machinga 2016-2017
Training of smallholder farmers in seeds management and in modern agricultural technologies including marketing, processing and value-chain addition. Funded by USAID -CRS

Promote soil conservation and sustainable Land Management in five districts (2013-2015)
Establishment of community woodlots, homestead woodlots and management of soil erosion and watersheds through planting of vertiver plants. Funded by Limbe Leaf Tobacco Company

Build climate change and complimentary Livelihoods in Machinga (2021-2024)
Build climate change and complimentary livelihoods, rehabilitation, nutrition, disaster response, emergency and natural resources management. Funded by BMZ -Germany Plan

Water Sanitation and Hygiene(2015-2016)
Sanitation and hygiene promotion in Nkhotakota district. Funded by Plan Malawi/Global Sanitation

Promote Legumes production through conservation agriculture in Lilongwe and Dowa (2015-2016)
Training of farmers in conservation agricultural practices and farm diversification and value-chain addition practices.. Funded by AICC

Youth and women empowernment
Training of Youths and women on how to rely on themselves
Where do we work in Malawi
Below is a list of district OSSEDI projects are done
Northern Region
- Mzimba North
- Mzimba South
- Nkhatabay
Central Region
- Ntchisi
- Dowa
- Lilongwe City & Rural
- Kasungu
- Mchinji
- Ntcheu
- Salima
Southern Region
- Mangochi
- Balaka
- Zomba
- Mulanje
- Phalombe
- Thyolo
- Nsanje
- Machinga
Fill in the details for volunteering.
Get in touch
By-Pass Road; Katete to Wakawaka
+265 (0)881 986 310
Our Team
OSSEDI Malawi has Board of trustees that is responsible for policy formulation, policy guidance, oversight, management controls, resource mobilization and recruitment of senior staff. The secretariat is headed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who has an oversight and control program me, planning and operations, management of resources and maintenance of partnership with agencies

Mr. Esau Mwendo
Board Chairman
Mr. Stanley JZ Chitukwi
Chief Executive Officer
Head of Programs
Mr. Vincent Chidumu
Finance Manager
Mr. Lackson Mumba
Project Coordinator
Mphatso Zulu
Monitoring and Evaluation ManagerDonate
About Us
Organization for Sustainable Socio-Economic Development Initiative (OSSEDI Malawi) is a Non-Governmental Organization established on 26th May, 2004 and registered with the Government of Malawi under incorporation act in the 1962 by-laws of Malawi. OSSEDI Malawi well registered with all the relevant bodies in Malawi like the government of Malawi Trustees of Incorporation-registration no: 2309/305, CONGOMA and NGO Board. OSSEDI Malawi was founded to enhance civil society effective participation in social and economic development of Malawi. It therefore emphasizes on community empowerment in order to improve the quality of service delivery for the community contribution towards national development agenda.

OSSEDI Malawi.
To be a leader in providing resources and knowledge to the less privileged marginalized of the communities for enhanced quality of life and access to basic fundamental human rights.
To support the poor and marginalized members of the communities through an innovative development and participatory process is critical that contributes to the socio-economic development of the country
We believe that people working together can achieve positive change
Transparency and Accountability
We value Transparency and accountability
We value partnership based on honesty and humbleness
Open to Learning
We value openness to learning
Innovation and Creativity
We value innovation and creativity by sharing experiences